1st Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition

February 15th-19th, 2010
University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna

The Jury Members Helmut Lachenmann, Isabel Mundry, Robert HP Platz and Rebecca Saunders Came to the following decision in publicly held deliberations:


The 1st prize was awarded to:

Clay McMillan

for his piece "Reflections".


Two second prizes were awarded to:

Jason Freeman for the piece "Reading a Poem"

Juan de Dios Magdaleno for the piece "SF_oia".


In addition the jury awarded "honorable mention" to

Jona Kümper:  "6 Stücke für Klavier vierohrig"

Abel Paúl: "Finger scenes"

Andrea Vigani: "Le Grand carillon"